When looking at your own investment time frame you will need to identify your own short, medium and long-term needs. Once this is done you can then set about building a plan around these and maximising the growth potential for each part of your investment.

Long term investing is an excellent way for more conservative people to make great money. You have a number of investment choices including; property, shares, listed investment companies, managed funds, bonds or other cash products.

Long Term needs can really be classed as the true wealth creation needs. Your long term needs would typically consist of the need for financial stability and wealth in later life. Long term investment strategies will hopefully achieve the potentially higher growth rates while also taking advantage of the effects of compound interest.

Long term investing requires that you consider where you want to be in more than 10 years and often what you want your finances to look like in 20 or 25 years. Long term investing requires that you try and ignore the ups and downs of what is happening day-to-day on the financial market, and look at overall returns over time. With the stock market, this means reminding yourself that if you have enough time, the stock market will rebound.

The keys to success for any long-term investment strategy are proper asset allocation and diversification.

Fontego capital is financial consulting company. Our core investment strategy aims at providing absolute returns, while focusing on developing a ‘real estate-like’ portfolio of diversified asset classes.

Our objective is to achieve the lowest possible ‘beta’ and high compounding returns. The backbone of our investment strategy is to be constantly aware of global macroeconomic trends, and to use our observations of these trends to identify the long-term direction of relevant asset values. The key focus of our analysis includes an awareness of emerging markets, demographic trends such as urbanization and the growth of the middle classes, as well as improvements in infrastructure and productivity.

We look in particular for those businesses which possess what we term the ‘moat’ factor, a set of unique qualities which, coupled with their structural competitive advantages, can lead to sustainable long term value creation.

So contact us for long term investment strategies, financial investment advice, fund management, investment advice etc.

4/29/2016 11:51:47 pm

I must say very informative article you shared for those who wants to know about long term investment strategy. I read your article and knew many points here. Keep updating.....


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